Apocalyptic reboot
The spam caught by my site’s Akismet plugin has reached apocalyptic proportions: 666 spam caught since I installed it. I’m not kidding. Here, take a look:

Don’t be fooled by the strange “non-WordPress” admin colors. I customized mine.
Anyway, since my spam has reached 666, I decided to do a “soft launch” of this site’s very first custom design. First 666, first design. Doesn’t make sense, but I thought it would be cool.

Before anybody starts shooting his/her mouth off on ugly parts, broken links and non-functional forms… DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. I know, I know. This theme isn’t finished yet. Still need to do a lot of stuff…
Well, at least it’s readable.
Anyway, I’ll be updating this site’s design here and there, so please do come back regulary for updates.