
WP 2 Theme Competition?!

EDIT: I’ve taken out the link to the old competition. Thanks for telling me, Dana. If traffic is the only reason this guy started the WP 2 Competition, he’s not getting any from my site. I will not link to his site until he released those themes.

It’s a good thing I didn’t wait for this competition to release the entries before I launched my Dapit Hapon Theme. I would have waited for God-knows-how-long if I did. I wasn’t even sure if the guy received my entry in the first place (all I received from him was an automated reply). I’m not the world’s most patient person (ask my fiance, he’ll VERIFY that as fact), but this is becoming ridiculous. First, internet problem was the excuse. Then now, his site is hacked. Ok. It’s sad, I even sympathized with the guy, but it’s been too long already. He can’t have deleted all of our themes from his harddrive can he? His database might have been screwed, but he can always start from scratch in uploading the themes. I understand it’s a tedious process, but I don’t think it would hurt to upload three or four a day. Doing so would at least appease those who are beginning to feel they’ve been had.

Oh, well. As they say, shit happens. Well anyway, there’s a site that’s reviving this WP 2 Competition (this one came from people frequenting the WP support forums). I’m really not vying to win any awards on this, but the exposure will be good enough for me 🙂

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